I have had an exam (exam is now past and submitted, but I want to now understand the solution without waiting) with the following questions:
Consider two firms playing the following two-stage game:
Firm face the following inverse demand:
$$ P(Q) = \frac{S+s_1 + s_2}{(Q+k)^{\alpha}}, Q=q_1 + q_2. $$
in the first stage, firms can simultaneously lobby to ease trade restrictions by increasing $s_i$, for each unit of $s_i$ each firm pays $\frac{s_i^3}{9}$.
In the second stage they observe each other lobbying choice and set quantity simultaneously. Production costs are zero.
Let $\alpha = 3$ and $k=1$. Show that there is a NE with $S+s_1 +s_2 > S + s_1^{spne} + s_2^{spne}$ and explain why this is NOT a subgame perfect.
SPNE is easy to find by backward induction, we know that in the second stage firms profits are
$$\pi_i = \frac{S'}{(Q+k)^{\alpha}}q_i - \frac{s_i^3}{9},$$
$S'$ is a fixed constant at this stage, so by differentiating we find the best responses and the optimal quantities
$$ q_1 = (q_2 + k)/(\alpha-1)\to q^*_i = \frac{k}{\alpha-1}. $$.
Anticipating this, at stage one, firm will want to maximize
$$\pi_i = \frac{S'}{(Q^*+k)^{\alpha}}q^*_i - \frac{s_i^3}{9},$$
deriving in $s_i$ we find the solution to be
$$ s^*_i = \sqrt{\frac{3q^*_i}{(Q^* +k)^{\alpha}}} $$
Another SPNE?
I have tried finding an NE, but could not. Only thing I can find is what I think is another SPNE in which strategies are:
Both play $(\hat{s}, q_i^*)$ where $\hat{s} > s_i^*$ . If the other player deviates in the first stage, then the other will punish the other in the second stage by producing some
$$ q^p $$
such that $$\pi_1(\hat{s},s_2^* ,q^p,q_2^*) = \pi^{spne}$$ while $$\pi_2(\hat{s},s_2^* ,q^p,q_2^*) < \pi_2(\hat{s},\hat{s} ,q_1^* ,q_2^*) $$ This should be -- assuming there is such a $q^p$ -- a credible threat since the player can get the same as the previous SPNE payoff and effective since it lowers player 2 profits by lowering the demand it receives.
Is this is an equilibrium at all and is it an SPNE or just a NE?