Let's start with the basics.
Suppose that $\Theta$ is a finite set of states and $\theta$ is the element of the state set. To simplify the model, we assume that $\Theta = \{\theta_1 = G, \theta_2 = B \}$. A sender's signal space is a partition $\pi=\{s_1, s_2\}$ of $\Theta\times [0,1]$ such that $(s_i)_{i=1}^2$ is a signal realization. Furtherly assume that $Y$ is a random variable that is indepedent of $\Theta$ an uniformly distributed over $[0,1]$ with $y$ being the realization of $Y$. The signal $s\in \pi$ when $(\theta,y)\in s$ and let $\Lambda\{y|(\theta,y)\in s\} = \mathbb{P}(s|\theta)$, where $\Lambda(\cdot)$ stands for the Lebesgue measure.
A distribution of posteriors is denoted by $\tau \in \Delta(\Delta(\Theta))$ and has finite support. Given a signal $\pi$, any signal realization $s$ induces a posterior belief $\mu_s(\theta) \triangleq \mu(\theta|s)$. Each signal $\pi$ leads to a distribution over posterior beliefs, namely each $\pi$ induces $\tau$ if $\text{Supp}(\tau)=\{\mu_s\}_{s\in \pi}$ and we write $\tau = <\pi>$. Therefore, observing a signal realization $s$ with probability $\mathbb{P}(s)>0$ generates a unique posterior belief
\begin{equation}\mu_s(\theta) = \frac{\mathbb{P}(s|\theta)\mu_0(\theta)}{\sum_{\theta^{'}\in\Theta}\mathbb{P}(s|\theta^{'})\mu_0(\theta^{'})},\quad\text{for all $s$ and $\theta$} \tag{1}\end{equation}
where $\mathbb{P}(s) = \sum_{\theta^{'}\in\Theta}\mathbb{P}(s|\theta^{'})\mu_0(\theta^{'}) $ is the marginal probability of $s$ and the distribution of posterior beliefs is
\begin{equation}\tau(\mu) \triangleq \sum_{\{s\in \pi : \mu_s = \mu\}}\mathbb{P}(s),\quad\text{for all $\mu$} \tag{2}\end{equation}
A distribution of posterior beliefs is $\textit{Bayes plausible}$ if the best projection about the posterior beliefs, given the prior distribution of beliefs, equals the prior beliefs, or in other words the beliefs satisfy the martingale property.
$$\mathbb{E}_{\tau}(\mu_s|\mu_0)=\sum_{\text{Supp}(\tau)}\mu_s\tau(\mu) =\mu_0 \tag{3}$$
The sender's utility is denoted by $v_1(\alpha, \theta)$ and the receiver's utility is denoted by $v_2(\alpha, \theta)$ where $\alpha$ denotes the action of the sender and $\theta$ the state of the world. Receiver forms the posterior belief $\mu_s$ using Bayes rule and then she takes an action that is $\alpha^*(\mu_s)= argmax_{\alpha\in A}\mathbb{E}_{\mu_s}v_2(\alpha,\theta)$.
They assume that they exist at least two actions and for every action $\alpha$, there exists a $\mu$ s.t. $\alpha\in \alpha^*(\mu)$ and the receiver's equilibrium outcome is denoted by $\hat{\alpha}(\mu)$. Any signal $s$ induces a posterior belief $\mu_s$, such that
$$\mathbb{E}_{\tau}(\mu_s(\theta)|\mu_0) = \sum_{\text{Supp}(\tau)}\tau(\mu)\mu_s(\theta)= \sum_{s\in \pi: \mu=\mu_s}\pi(s) \frac{\pi(s|\theta)\mu_0(\theta)}{\sum_{\theta^{'}\in\Theta}\pi(s|\theta^{'})\mu_0(\theta^{'})} =\mu_0(\theta)\underbrace{\sum_{s\in \pi: \mu=\mu_s} \pi(s|\theta)}_{=1}=\mu_0(\theta)$$
And hence
$$\mathbb{E}_{\tau}(\mu_s(\theta)|\mu_0) = \sum_{\text{Supp}(\tau)}\tau(\mu)\mu_s(\theta) = \mu_0(\theta) \tag{4}$$
Now by going to $(1)$, we have that
$$v_s(\mu_s)=\mu_s(G) u_s(\hat{\alpha}(\mu_s(G)), G)+\underbrace{(1-\mu_s(G))}_{\mu_s(B)}u_s(\hat{\alpha}(\mu_s(B)), B)\tag{5}$$
Therefore we end up with $(5)$ where the utility of the sender depends only on the posterior beliefs $\mu_s=(\mu_s(G),\mu_s(B))$ and the state $\theta$. However, by applying the expectations of the distribution of posterior beliefs on the latter equation, we do not longer have any concern about $\theta$ and thus
$$\mathbb{E}_\tau v_s(\mu_s) =\mathbb{E}_{\tau}\left(\sum_{\theta\in\Theta}\mu_s(\theta) u_s(\hat{\alpha}(\mu_s(\theta)), \theta)\right) = \sum_{\text{Supp}(\tau)}\tau(\mu)\sum_{\theta\in\Theta}\mu_s(\theta) u_s(\hat{\alpha}(\mu_s(\theta),\theta)$$
By setting $\hat{V}(\mu_s)= \sum_{\theta\in\Theta}\mu_s(\theta) u_s(\hat{\alpha}(\mu_s(\theta),\theta)$ the problem of the sender reduces to the following
$$\tau^*\in \text{argmax}\left(\mathbb{E}_{\tau}\left(\hat{V}(\mu_s)\right)\right) \tag{*}$$
$$\text{such that $\sum_{\text{Supp}(\tau)}\tau(\mu)\mu_s(\theta) = \mu_0(\theta)$}\tag{**}$$
and the sender's problem reduces to $(*)$ and $(**)$
My questions is the following
How do i solve for the optimal $\tau=\tau^*$ in the case of the binary state space $\Theta={G,B}$. Assume that teh prior belief about $G$ is $\mu_0(G)=q\in(0,1)$ and the utility of the sender is $u_s(\alpha, \theta) = \alpha$ and the recievers is $u_r(\alpha, \theta) = -(\alpha - \theta)^2$