I have started to learn about trading and would like to play around with historical data. I therefor need a dataset, that provides intraday values, not only opening, high and low prices for a specific day and time. I would like to query a web service, db, whatever like this:
getPrice($isin, $date, $time)
Unfortunately I can't find anything or maybe I am just using the wrong search words on google. Yahoo Finance, etc. only provides opening, high and low data which is not sufficient for my need. Specifically I am looking for historical SMI futures data:
Product ISIN CH0008616432
Underlying ISIN CH0009980894
I already had a look at:
- www.xignite.com
- www.quandl.com
which looked promising, but again they do not provide intraday values.
<span class="time_rtq_ticker"><span id="yfs_l10_esm16.cme">2,099.75</span>
. Technology may exist for this purpose in the form of an official API or someone may have created it. Have a search. $\endgroup$