I would like to know if I have interpreted the following statement correctly and would be grateful of any help at all.
"The unemployment rate for 16-24 year olds not in full-time education was 12.2%"
I read this as the proportion of economically active 16-24 year olds that are not in full-time education and unemployed is 12.2%.
To clarify I believe it says $$12.2\%=\frac{\text{economically active (full time education and unemployed)}}{\text {economically active (FTE unemployed + FTE employed)}}$$
Is this correct? I have looked online and have only seen the term unemployment rate in terms of the general population.
I am not an economist but a maths teacher and require the information to understand material for an upcoming context based exam. I have no trouble with percentages but need to make sure I have interpreted the economics correctly.
Thanks in advance for any clarifications.