I am attempting to solve a general equilibrium problem from the textbook Jehle and Reny. However, I am slightly confused if my approach is correct. The question is as follows.
Consider an exchange economy with one good and two time periods. Two consumers have the following utility functions:
$U_A (x_{A1}, x_{A2}) = \sqrt{x_{A1}} + \sqrt{x_{A2}}$
$U_B (x_{B1}, x_{B2}) = \sqrt{x_{B1}} + \sqrt{x_{B2}}$
where $A1$ corresponds to time period 1 and $A2$ corresponds to time period 2.
Each consumer is endowed with one unit of the good at time period 1, BUT only B is endowed with 1 at time period 2 (A is endowed 0 at time period 2). Note that storage of the good is not possible, but consumers can engage in trade in period 1. Calculate the competitive equilibrium allocations.
I am not sure if I am overthinking the problem, but since the good is perishable. Will both agents just consume their endowments (e.g., agent 1 consumes 1 in the first period, and agent 2 consumes one in the first and one in the second).
Is there a scenario where agent 1 would want to sell some of his endowment in period 1 to purchase some in period two? Given his utility function I believe this would be the case, but showing it seems much different than the typical GE problems I have been solving.