I would like to discuss with you about the following production function.
$$y=f(t_m, t_l)=\rho t_m^m(n+t_l)$$
where $0<m<1 $ and $n>0$ are fixed parameters.
$t_m$ is manager time.
$t_l$ is labour time.
The manager know the production function freely.
Also let’s define $w_m$=manager’s wage and $w_l$=labour’s wage for $w_m>w_l>0$
$\rho$ is the good’s market price.
Extra Notes:
• the manager’s outside option= the manager wage in the economy
•the manager is going to run his own company if he establishes one.
So far, I have defined the production function.
How I have two questions that I would like to discuss with you.
How can I interpret the parameters $n$ and $m$? It is easy to interpret them mathematically, but I could not decide how to make a comment about these parameters in economic terms?
When I take derivatives
$\partial y/\partial t_l= t_m ^m>0$ which means that as labour’s time increases, production increases, revenue increases and so profit increases.
$\partial y/\partial t_m= m t_m ^{m-1}(n+t_l)>0$ which means that as manager’s time increases, production is diminshingly increases (since $m-1<0$) and revenue diminishingly increases so profit diminishingly increases. ( I did this comment. But I don’t think it is enough or correct in economic view. How can I say it correctly?)
My important question is that!
Under Which conditions does the manager establish a company and decide to enter the industry?
For that, I firstly establish the manager’s decision problem as follow:
Revenue = $\rho y= \rho t_m^m(n+t_l)$
Cost= $t_m w_m + t_l w_l$
Profit = $\pi = \rho t_m^m(n+t_l) -( t_m w_m + t_l w_l)$
So his decision problem:
$$\max \rho t_m^m(n+t_l) -( t_m w_m + t_l w_l)$$
Subject to $w_m>w_l>0$ and $0<m<1$ and $n,p>0$
When we solve it
$\partial \pi/\partial t_m= \rho m t_m ^{m-1}(n+t_l) -w_m=0 $
$w_m= \rho m t_m ^{m-1}(n+t_l)$
$\partial \pi/\partial t_l=\rho t_l ^m-w_l=0$
$w_l= \rho t_m ^m$
So we know that $w_m>w_l>0$
$$ \rho m t_m ^{m-1}(n+t_l)> \rho t_m^{m}$$
$$n+t_l>{t_m\over m} $$
I only find this condition in order to establish a company. ( I am not sure but I hope it is true) But I cannot say something about it in economic view.
I solved everything, just discuss what I did. Is it correct or false? Or how can I interpret them in economic aspect?
Thanks a lot.
From the above maximization problem, I obtained the following solutions:
And from $w_l= \rho t_m ^m$
I get $$t^*_m=(w_l/\rho)^{1/m}$$
From $w_m= \rho m t_m ^{m-1}(n+t_l)$
I get $$t^*_l= {w_m\over m}p^{1-m/m}w_l^{1-m/m}-n$$
When I insert these two $t^*_l$ and $t^*_m$ into the profit function, I get
$$\pi^*=w_l^{1/m}w_m \rho^{1-m/m} {1\over m} (2-mp^{1/m-1})-nw_l$$
Then, when I compare this with the outside option $w_m$, then I get
$$\pi^*=w_l^{1/m}w_m \rho^{1-m/m} {1\over m} (2-mp^{1/m-1})-nw_l>= w_m$$
But this result doesn’t make sense. I could not make any reasonable interpretation.