The data presented in the BEA website are percent change at annual rates ( )
This is different to the regular growth rate formula that we all know (and what was done in FRED). Here the BEA talks about what that is and why to calculate percentage change at annual rates .
To summarize:
BEA publishes percent changes in most quarterly estimates at annual rates. A quarterly percent change at an annual rate shows what the percent change would be if the quarterly rate continued for four quarters. It is computed by compounding the quarterly rate for four quarters.
-formula for computing the percent change from quarter 1 to quarter 2 at a quarterly rate is:
((level of quarter 2/level of quarter 1)-1)*100
-formula for computing the percent change from quarter 1 to quarter 2 at an annual rate is:
(((level of quarter 2/level of quarter 1)^4)-1)*100
BEA also states that for some volatile quarterly series, such as corporate profits, BEA publishes percent changes at quarterly rates rather than at annual rates, because the comparability issue is less important and because annual rates of change may be misleading.