Today in class, the professor said that the set of all consumption $c(S)$ is non-empty, compact and convex subset of $\mathbb{R}^T_+$. i.e. we know $\sum \limits_{t=1} ^T c_t = S$ where $c_t$ is consumption in period t and $S$ is total wealth. The set $c(S)$ is the set of all T-period consumption plan.
I could understand why $c(S)$ is compact, but I have no clue why it has to be convex and non-empty.
Following the same question, the professor also mentioned that $W(c)$ the summation of all the T-period utility functions denoted by $W(c)=\sum \limits_{t=1} ^T U(c_t)$ is continuous on $c(S)$. I do not understand why $W(c)$ has to be continuous on $c(S)$
I think this has something to with Berge's Maximum theorem, but I am unable to link it properly. Any help will be very appreciated.