Consider a game with $N$ players, each indexed by $i=1,...,N$. Every player $i$ has to choose a $J\times 1$ vector of actions $a_i\equiv (a_{i,1},...,a_{i,J})$ where each $a_{i,j}$ can be zero or one. The payoff of each player $i$ is $u_i(a_i, a_{-i})$, where $a_{-i}$ denotes the actions of the other players.
A pure strategy Nash equilibrium (PSNE) of the game is $a^*\equiv (a_1^*,...,a_N^*)$ solving $$ (1) \quad a_i^*\in argmax_{a_i\in \{0,1\}^J} u_i(a_i, a^*_{-i}) \quad \forall i=1,...,N $$
Note that if $a^*$ is a PSNE, then $$ (2) \quad \text{If $a^*_{i,j}$=0, then } u_i(a^*_i, a^*_{-i})\geq u_i(a^*_i+\{a_{i,j}=1\}, a^*_{-i})\\ \quad \quad \text{If $a^*_{i,j}$=1, then } u_i(a^*_i, a^*_{-i})\geq u_i(a^*_i+\{a_{i,j}=0\}, a^*_{-i})\\ \forall i=1,...,N \quad \forall j=1,...,J $$ where $a^*_i+\{a_{i,j}=1\}$ denotes $a^*$ where $a^*_{i,j}=0$ is replaced by one; $a^*_i+\{a_{i,j}=0\}$ denotes $a^*$ where $a^*_{i,j}=1$ is replaced by zero.
Claim: Assume that ties are zero probability events. Then, an action profile $a$ satisfies (2) if and only if $$ (3) \quad a_{i,j}=1\{u_i(a_i+\{a_{i,j}=1\}, a_{-i})- u_i(a_i+\{a_{i,j}=0\}, a_{-i})\geq 0\}\\ \forall i=1,...,N \quad \forall j=1,...,J $$
Question: Let $A$ be the set of PSNE. Let $B$ be the set of $a$ satisfying (3). Is $A\subseteq B$? If $B$ is empty, then $A$ is empty?