Consider an economy populated by two types of infinitely lived consumers, odd and even. There is mass one of each type of consumer. There is a single good in the economy. The economy starts at $t = 0$. Odd agents have an endowment sequence $$e^0=\{3,1,3,1...\}$$ and even agents have $$e^0=\{1,3,1,3...\}$$ The preferences of both types of agents are described by the utility function $$U ( c ) =\sum\beta log\ c_t$$.
I need to compute the price and allocations. What I've done so far:
$$\max\sum\beta log\ c_t \ s.t \sum p_tc_t^i=\sum p_te_t^i$$ and market clear $c_t^1+c_t^2\leq e_t$
$$L=\sum\beta log\ c_t-\lambda^i(\sum p_tc_t^i-\sum p_te_t^i)$$ and gotten the focs: $\frac{\beta^t}{c-t^i}=\lambda^ip_t$. Guessing that $p_t = \beta_t$ I get that the consumption allocations of both agents are constant. I denote them by $c^1$ and $c^2$. Using this information in the budget constraints, I find: $$c^i\sum\beta^t=\sum p_te_t^i$$. Here is where I'm stuck. I know that we are supposed to use the geometric sequence but I am not sure. Is $c^1=\frac{1}{1+\beta}?$