I have noticed that in Poland the rate of registered unemployed is higher than the "unemployement" rate. Here are the stats from the Polish regime (by month):
On the otherhand we have Eurostat, which is as far as I know, using ILO definition Here:
So any ideas what the story is? Is it possible to sign on in Poland and still work? Is there a way of answering the ILO that means you are in employment but still registered unemployed? (Not worked in reference period and ready to work at short notice and have looked for a job during the reference period - if I remember correctly!) There's massive scale cheating of the Polish benefits system? The Polish goverment has made a huge mistake in their statistics?
Other countries that I have looked at tend to have registered unemployed as less than ILO unemployed. Which makes more sense to me.
Any thoughts and input would be most gratefully received.