One feature of Balanced Growth Path is that growth rates are equal along it:
Consider the following conditions:
$y_t= Xk_t$
$y_t = c_t + i_t$
$k_{t+1} = (1-\delta)k_t$
From first equation it is easy enough to show $\frac{y_{t+1}}{y_t} = g_y = \frac{Xk_{t+1}}{Xk_t} = g_k$
But how do I go about showing other growth rates are equal too. My lecture notes claim:
$g_k = (1-\delta) + \frac{i_t}{k_t}$ $\implies$ $g_k = g_i$, and
$X = \frac{c_t}{k_t} + \frac{i_t}{k_t} $ $\implies$ $g_k = g_c$.
So along BGP: $g_k = g_c = g_y = g_i$.
How do we arrive at the conclusion for the last two?