The questions are with reference to Bergemann and Morris (2013, 2016).
I'm trying to give an alternative interpretation to BCE from the analyst/information designer perspective provided in the paper.
Take a basic game G (as in BM, 2013) without private information, and only prior on the fundamental $θ\sim N(\bar{θ},σ_{θ}^{2})$. i.e. agents condition their actions only on $\bar{θ}$.
Suppose that there exists a decision rule $\varphi:\Theta \rightarrow\Delta(A)$ in this game chosen randomly, but that could possibly be induced by a Bayes Nash Equilibrium of an augmented game G+ (this one with private information).
If I understood how BCE works; Agents in G don't know the true state of the world, but know only the decision rule (i.e. the distribution of action profiles for each possible realisation of the fundamental). Then some omniscient mediator will suggest each of them (privately) an action based on the decision rule $\varphi$. If each recommendation is obeyed by everyone then there is a Bayes Correlated Equilibrium in game G.
But obedience will require the recommendation to be optimal (i.e. induced by a BNE in G+).So, reverse engineer....
My interpretation of the "decision rule induced by BNE" is that agents extract the information from the suggestion of the mediator to compute their own optimal action. And if the optimal action is congruent with the suggestion, then they obey. That process is made in game G+.i.e. the only source of information of agents beside common prior on fundamentals is the information extracted from the recommendation.
But if that is the case, do they extract the whole information structure from just the suggestion? It seems normal to assume that a private signal could be extracted from a recommendation, but where does the common prior on private information comes from? How do agents extract this from the mediator's recommendation? It would have to be the case that the common prior on private information was there in G, but agents could not have access to it, and this access was activated only once recommendation was made or something like that?!
Again, I'm trying to understand the concept of BCE in game G when the decision rule $\varphi∈Δ(A×Θ)$ is induced by a BNE distribution $\pi∈Δ(A×S×Θ)$(where S is the space of private information) of an augmented game.
If we reinterpret BM (2016) in my context, their expansion of information in G+ is that the recommendation adds to the private information that agents already had. What I am describing instead is that neither agents nor the mediator had any private information beforehand. Private information in G+ is just what is extracted from the random decision rule in G. But then, where the heck does the common prior on private information come from?
I hope that was clear. Thanks enormously in advance for helping me.