Suppose there is a latent variable, $y^*_i$ defined by, $$y_i^* = x_i'\beta + u_i$$
Consider the probit assumption that $u_i \sim N(0,1)$ (although the question is analogous for a logistically distributed error and logit).
We observe $y_i=1$ if $y_i^* > 0$ and $y_i =0$ otherwise. Given these assumptions, the probability of $y_i$ conditional on $x_i$ and $\beta$ is: $f(y_i|x_i,\beta) = \Phi(x_i'\beta)^{y_i}(1-\Phi(x_i'\beta))^{1-y_i}$
The MLE estimator chooses $b$ to maximize likelihood: $max_b \prod_{i=1}^n f(y|x,b)$
QUESTION: if $Cov(u_i, u_j)\ne 0$ for some $i$ and $j$, then the marginal distribution of $y_i$ is unchanged, $f(y_i |x_i, \beta)$. However, the likelihood function would change, as observations are no longer independent. The probability of $y_i$ and $y_j$ is not just the product of the two separate probabilities.
I have seen people estimate probit with clustered standard errors, essentially admitting to this problem, however I have not seen a proof or discussion that probit is still consistent in such a case.
Is probit consistent under serial correlation if the marginal distribution is correctly specified?