It is said that a diamond selling company (you know the one ;) ) deliberately buys up stocks of diamonds and refuses to sell them in order to generate an "artificial scarcity", so as to reduce supply and keep the prices high.
Now I understand why a reduced supply would keep the prices high, but how would this benefit the seller? Surely if they own more diamonds, they could sell them too, and even though the price might end up lower, they'd be selling more of them and so they'd be making more money anyway.
Furthermore, since (according to this theory) they are in control of the extra stock doesn't that mean they have control over the prices anyway? It's not like their competitors would be forcing them to lower the price as it would be if those competitors had more stock - so the price mightn't even lower that much.
Note that I'm not asking if this company does indeed do this, I'm just asking how hoarding the stock that they themselves could otherwise be selling would benefit them.