
I am looking for data regarding the annual household income distribution filtered by year and state (and finer geographical feature like cities). In other words, I am looking for data with the following features (label being the number of earners):

  • year
  • state
  • income range (e.g. 10K-20K, finer better)

Does anyone know if there is a publicly available dataset containing these?


2 Answers 2


Have you checked the US census bureau? Income related website here.

Furthermore there is a kaggle training competition about the census data. Have a look here for the available data tables. Data straight from the census bureau.


I recommend checking out the following free, open databases on Quandl which show historical mean or median household incomes by state:

Federal Reserve Economic Data - https://www.quandl.com/data/FRED

National Center for Education Statistics - https://www.quandl.com/data/NCES

Hope this helps! [Disclosure: I work for Quandl]


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