For a homework , I struggled to solve the following question but couldn't go further:
endowment of person 1 = (30,0)
endowment of person 2 = (0,20)
utility functions are such that:
U (a_1,b_1) & = & \min(a_1,b_1) \\
U (a_2,b_2) & = & \min(4a_2,b_2).
What I am doing is setting a1 equal to b1 and 4a2 equal to b2. After that I'm writing these;
p_1 a_1 + p_2 b_1 = 30p_1 \mbox{ and } p_1a_2 + p_24a_2 = 20p_2
Finally, by looking at feasibility condition, I'm writing down:
\frac{30p_1}{p_1+p_2} + \frac{20p_2}{p_1+4p_2} & = & 30 \\
\frac{30p_1}{p_1+p_2} + \frac{4 \cdot 20p_2}{p_1+4p_2} & = & 20.
Here, if I do some calculations, they result in $p_1 = p_2$ and accordingly $a_1=b_1=15, a_2=4$ and $b_2=16.$ But then the problem is that there is excess demand for good2 and there isn't a WE.
Alternatively, I am considering to have $p_2 = 0$ so that there exist a Walrasian Equilibrium.
BUT, I'm stuck at this point and lack the correct intuition for solving next steps. Or, I might be in a completely incorrect way. Please, explain me what will be done with this excess demand?
Thank you in advance.