In response to a comment-request by @Anoldmaninthesea, a linear method to estimate a linear regression with 1st-order auto correlated residuals,
$$y_t = \alpha + x_t\beta + u_t, \qquad u_t = \rho u_{t-1} + e_t,\;\;\; e_t \sim {\rm WN}$$
is the Cochrane-Orcutt one.
Note that the above can be re-written as
$$y^*_t = \delta + \beta x_t^* + e_t,\qquad y^*_t=y_t - \rho y_{t-1},\;\;\;x^*_t=y_t - \rho x_{t-1},\;\;\; \delta = \alpha(1-\rho).$$
The method is iterative. Summarily:
Step 1: Estimate by OLS $y_t = \alpha + x_t\beta$, and obtain the residuals.
Step 2: Regress the residuals on their lag, and obtain an estimate of $\rho$.
Step 3: Form the series $\hat y^*_t = y_t - \hat \rho y_{t-1}$ and $\hat x^*_t = x_t - \hat \rho x_{t-1}$.
Step 4: Run the OLS regression $\hat y^*_t = \delta + \beta \hat x_t^*$ an dobtain the residuals
Continue with Step 2 etc, until the estimate for $\hat \rho$ is stabilized.
Many econometric software include this algorithm as a ready-made command.