I am using the following theorem:
To better understand how I can transform expected utility functions.
An example with which to work:
I want to show that the preferences represented here satisfy the three axioms [A1,A2,A3] that characterize expected utility. [order, continuity, and independence]
Where $$E_{\pi} \mu = \sum_{z \in Z} u(z)\pi(z) $$
What I want to do is transform the given E.U.F. s.t.:
$$U(\pi) = h + k....$$ $$U(\pi)= k...$$
Then by multiplying by $\frac{1}{k}$ and using $ln$
$$U(\pi) = \sum_{i=1}^n \pi_i ln(\alpha_i)$$
Perhaps this is actually the solution. Any feedback?
This is not Homework. I am studying because I do not understand this well