Consider the system of two equations: $$y_t=\beta\mathbb{E}_t[y_{t+1}+\gamma\cdot z_{t+1}]$$ $$x_t=\rho x_{t+1}+y_t$$ $$z_t=(z_0-Z_t)e^{-at}+z_T$$ Determine the steady state.
The solution manual says: $$y=\frac{\beta\gamma z}{1-\beta}$$ $$x=\frac{\beta\gamma z}{(1-\beta)(1-\rho)}$$ Now I have no idea how to derive these values. The lecture sheets don't mention anything, except that the steady state is solved when we have the value of the shock $z_t$ (intial and terminal). Could anyone explain me the mathematical derivation of the steady state?