I think about a dynamic problem where social planner maximizes the following utility ;
$$\underset{c\left(t\right)}{max}\int_{0}^{\infty}u\left(c\left(t\right)\right)e^{-\rho t}$$
subject to two constraints
$$\dot{S}\left(t\right)=\left(1-S\left(t\right)\right)S\left(t\right)-\gamma AK\left(t\right)$$
where $S(t)$ and $K(t)$ hold for natural capital (seas, lakes, forests etc.) and physical capital respectively. $c(t)$ represents consumption.
In this $AK$ model, physical capital generates some wastes which are harmful to natural resource stock with a constant parameter $\gamma$. This feature is close to Wirl (2004) in environmental economics literature.
The Hamiltonian of the problem is
$$\mathcal{H}=u\left(c\left(t\right)\right)+\lambda\left(t\right)\left(AK\left(t\right)-c\left(t\right)\right)+\mu\left(t\right)\left(\left(1-S\left(t\right)\right)S\left(t\right)-\gamma AK\left(t\right)\right)$$
$\lambda$ and $\mu$ are co-state variables for physical and natural capital.
Dynamics of co-state variables are
$$\dot{\lambda}=\rho\lambda+\mu\gamma A-\lambda A$$
In fact, in this model, it is easy to remark that natural capital don't have any amenity value don't provide any positive utility and it is just like a "sink".
As the social planner just takes into account the negative effect of capital accumulation (it creates wastes), I think natural capital enters in this model as a "cost".
Then, is it possible to say that $\mu$ could take a negative value as natural capital represents a cost for capital accumulation ?