Consider a mono-centric city, where all workers earn a wage $W$ in the centre of the circular city and rent out land $L$.
Rent $r(d)$ and transport costs $t(d)$ vary with distance from the centre, $d$.
Utility is constant by the spatial equilibrium assumption:
$U(C, L) = U(W - t(d) - r(d)L, L) = \underline{U}$
Differentiating with respect to $d$ gives:
$r'(d) = \frac{-t'(d)}{L}$
Two transport technologies are available:
$t(d) = \bar{t}d$ (no fixed cost)
$t(d) = \underline{t}d + K$ (fixed cost)
Workers will choose the no-fixed-cost technology at $d < K/(\bar{t}-\underline{t})$ and the fixed cost technology further out.
The rent is $\underline{r}$ at the edge of the city, $\bar{d}$.
What is $r(d)$? (For $d < K/(\bar{t}-\underline{t})$ and $d > K/(\bar{t}-\underline{t})$)