I have a large unbalanced panel data with 460 firms and 1259 days. The model I would like to run is below
$$ Y_{it} = \beta X_{it} + \alpha Z_{t} + \epsilon_{it} $$
where $Y_{it}$ is stock return, and $Z_{t}$ are Fama French 3 factors, and $X_{it}$ are variables of interest.
I run Fama Macbeth (FM) and double clustering to correct for the standard error, but two models give inconsistent results,i.e., $\beta$ is significant in one model, and not in the other.
I understand that Fama-MacBeth technique
was developed to account for correlation between observations on different firms in the same time point,
not to account for correlation between observations on the same firm in different time points. Traditionally, it should run cross section regression at each time point, then average estimates along time $T$. But in my case, due to the inclusion of $Z_t$, I have to run time series regression first since otherwise, $Z_{t}$ are not identifiable. In this case, does FM actually correct for correlation between observations on the same firm in different time points?
More importantly, does the inconsistent result mean that my results are not robust? Under my case, can I argue one is more appropriate than the other? Can the unbalanced data structure contribute to the inconsistent results?
I'm using fm and cluster2 command on this page Stata command