Papers like Ng and Moench (2011) and Negro and Otrok (2007) use historical housing data to estimate latent variables that correspond to some "true" or "truer" measure of house prices or housing activity. I've put together a table of series one could use as inputs in such an exercise. However, as we can see in the table below, very little data is available before the mid-1970s. I would like to expand this list with U.S. historical data (free or to purchase) that help to characterize real and financial housing activity as far back as possible. What other series am I missing?
| Series | Source | Frequency | Start Date |
| Median Sales Price of Single-Family Existing Homes | NAR | Monthly | Jan1968 |
| Median Existing Home Prices | NAR | Monthly | Jan1999 |
| Median Sales Price of Single-Family New Homes | CENSUS | Monthly | Jan1963 |
| Average New Home Prices | CENSUS | Monthly | Jan1975 |
| S&P National Home Price Index | S&P | Quarterly | Q1-1987 |
| Freddie Mac House Price Index | FHLMC | Quarterly | Q1-1975 |
| FHFA Purchase-Only Index | FHFA | Monthly | Jan1991 |
| FHFA Home Prices | FHFA | Quarterly | Q1-1975 |
| CoreLogic National House Price Index | CoreLogic | Monthly | Jan1976 |
| Housing Starts | CENSUS | Monthly | Jan1959 |
| Existing Home Sales | NAR | Monthly | Jan1999 |
| New One-Family Houses Sold | CENSUS | Monthly | Jan1963 |
| Housing Units Authorized by Permit | CENSUS | Monthly | Jan1960 |
| Housing Units Under Construction | CENSUS | Monthly | Jan1970 |
| Housing Completions | CENSUS | Monthly | Jan1968 |
| Private Residential Fixed Investment (PRFI) | BEA | Quarterly | Q1-1947 |
| Wilshire REIT Total Return Index | Wilshire | Monthly | Jan1978 |
| Ziman-CRSP Residential REIT Value Weighted Index | CRSP-Ziman | Monthly | Jan1980 |
| Ziman-CRSP Residential REIT Equally Weighted Index | CRSP-Ziman | Monthly | Jan1980 |
Commercial real estate data is not ideal, particularly data that is contaminated with mine and oil and water well construction. Regional data is fine but national data is preferred.