Let utility curve an individual given as $U(C,R) = C^aR^{1-a}$ where $(0\lt a \lt 1)$ and $C$ denotes consumption commodity and $R$ denotes its leisure, and price of $C$ is given as $P$, and the nominal wage for a unit of labor given as $W$. Total amount time available for the individual is $T$.
Now I would like to derive the change of labor supply when nominal wage get increased with two different effect decomposed - income effect/substitution effect.
What I have got is $L^s$ only, which is equal to $T-R$, following below process:
first, $P\cdot C = L^s\cdot W $
second, $T-R = L^s$
by, first and second, $P\cdot C= (T-R)\cdot W$ (*)
and the from the utility function we can derive the condition of maxmizing its utility, $MU_C = MU_R$, which is eqaul to $\frac{a}{1-a}=\frac{C}{R}$(**)
Now, since the (*), (**) must hold at the same time, we can derive equation between $W$ and $R$ without $C$ as below:
$P\cdot \frac{a}{1-a}\cdot R = (T-R)\cdot W$
Then we get $R = \frac{TW}{P(\frac{a}{1-a})+W}$ and $L^s =T\frac{P(\frac{a}{1-a})}{P(\frac{a}{1-a})+W}$
but my derivation of $L^s$ looks only decreasing while W is increasing.
Any points did I do wrong? I want to did some decomposition of Slutsky, but lack of skills to deal with partial derivatives, it makes me hard to do also.