So in RBC and Ramsey-derived utility function, the following is usually the form of utility:
$$u(c,l) = c^{1-\sigma}(1 + \omega(l))$$
where $\omega(l)$ is arbitrary function of $l$, labor, that satisfies $u_c>0$, $u_l <0$, $u_{ll} \leq 0$ and $u_{cc} < 0$. $c$ is consumption.
In Mankiw/Rotemberg/Summers paper Intertemporal Substitution in Macroeconomics (link:, utility function of following is used to test RBC model:
$$u(c,l) = \frac{1}{1-\gamma}\left[\frac{c^{1-\alpha} - 1}{1-\alpha} + d\frac{l^{1-\beta} - 1}{1-\beta}\right]^{1-\gamma}$$
As a special case, not considering multiplicative and additive constants, a special case of $$u(c,l) = \frac{c^{1-\alpha}}{1-\alpha} - \frac{l^{1+\beta}}{1+\beta}$$ can be considered.
Now for the third utility, it seems that third utility must be special case of the first utility functional form, but I cannot see how this is possible.