This is a basic question, but I am new to macro models. The question is from Romer's text.
Assume a household only has one member and has no initial wealth, and the household lives for two periods. We have
$$U=\ln(c_1)+b\ln(1-l_1)+e^{-\rho}[\ln(c_2)+b\ln(1-l_2)],$$ where $c_i=w_il_i$ and $\rho$ is a discount rate in $(0,1)$.
The text says "Because of the logarithmic functional form, the elasticity of substitution between leisure in the two periods is $1$." I tried to verify that the elasticity is $1$ as the following:
Let U_1 denote partial derivative of U with respect to $l_1$. Similar for $U_2$. Then,
$$E_{21}=\frac{d\ln(l_2/l_1)}{d\ln(U_1/U_2}=(\frac{dl_2}{l_2}-\frac{dl_1}{l_1})/(\frac{dU_1}{U_1}-\frac{dU_2}{U_2}),$$ where $U_1=\frac{1}{U_1}-\frac{b}{1-l_1}$ and $dU_1=(-\frac{1}{l_1^2}-\frac{b}{(1-l_1)^2})dl_1$. How chould $E_{21}=1$? In fact, I got something super messy. Therefore, I doubt if my approach is correct or not. Maybe my formula is not correct? Thanks in advance!