Consider a TU game $\langle N,v \rangle$ with $N = \{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ being the set of players and $v : 2^N \to \mathbb R$, $v(\emptyset) = 0$ the characteristic function. The Core of $v$ is defined by undominated allocations $x \in \mathbb R^n$ \begin{align} \mathcal C(v) = \left\{x \in \mathbb R^n ~ \bigg| ~ \sum_{i \in S}{x_i} \geq v(S) ~ \forall S \subseteq N\right\}. \end{align} Let $m_i(S) = v(S \cup \{i\}) - v(S)$ denote the marginal contribution of $i$ to coalition $S$. We say that the players are symmetric if $m_i(S) = m_j(S)$ for all $i,j \in N$ and $S \subset N$. The marginal contribution of any agent to any coalition is thus identical.
I am wondering whether the following Proposition is true and how one proves it formally.
Proposition: If the players are symmetric and the core is nonempty $\mathcal C(v) \neq \emptyset$, then the equal division of the worth of the grand coalition is an element of the core $(v(N)/n,\ldots,v(N)/n) \in \mathcal C(v)$.