Let $W$ denote the investor's wealth $B$ is the the investment in the risk free asset (suppose that the risk free rate is taken to be zero) and $X$ is the investment on the risky security which has price $P$. Se the investors total wealth is: $$W=B+PX$$ The capital gain that is generated in some some time interval $[t-1,t]$ is about $X_{t-1}(P_t-P_{t-1})$ and the portfolio rebalancing then occurring to the intertemporal budget constrained is: $$B_t+P_tX_t=B_{t-1}+P_tX_{t-1}$$ I wonder why does the last equation hold? Does this come from the intertemporal budget constraint and how?
In the sequel it refers to the wealth change that is: $$W_{t}-W_{t-1}=X_{t-1}(P_{t}-P_{t-1})$$
$\underline{Note:}$ It is from Kerry Back 1992 paper