I'm attending to my first dynamic optimization course, and what I don't fully graps yet is that sometimes we have to use more than one bellman equation.
How do you realize that? I mean how do you know when your problem solution require more than one Bellman equation?
For example this problem taken from Sargent's Recursive Macroeconomic Theory 2nd edition.
An unemployed worker receives each period a wage offer w drawn from the distribution F(w). The worker has to choose whether to accept the job – and therefore to work forever – or to search for another offer and collect c in unemployment compensation. The worker who decides to accept the job must choose the number of hours to work in each period. The worker chooses a strategy to maximize
and $y_t=c$ if the worker is unemployed, and $y_t=w(1-l_t)$ if the worker is employed and works $(1-l_t)$ with $l_t$ leisure and $0<l_t<1$
Analyze the worker’s problem. Argue that the optimal strategy has the reservation wage property. Show that the number of hours worked is the same in every period.
The solution's manual goes like this for the part of stating the Bellman equations:
Let s be the vector of state variables. We choose $s=(w,0)$ where $w$ is the wage offer and $0=E$ if the worker is employed and $0=U$ if the worker is unemployed. Consider first the situation of an employed worker. Bellman’s equation is:
$v(w,E)= max \{u[w(1-l),l]+\beta v(w,E)\}$
and for unemployed worker:
$v(w,U)= max \{v(w,E);u[c,1]+\beta\int v(w',E)DF(w')\}$
So being more concrete. Why the solutions requires two bellman equations and how do you realize that when reading the problem?
For example my first guess when trying to solve without looking the solutions I wrote:
$v(w,E)= max \{u[w(1-l),l];u[c,1]+\beta\int v(w',E)DF(w')\}$
Why is this different?
Thanks in advance.