I am trying to assign a vector of values (v= [1/3 0.01 0.5])
to a vector of parameters (w = [alpha beta gamma])
in order to make Matlab save the entries of the value vector as the parameter values. So for instance the third entry of v should be assigned to the third value in w. Matlab should then save gamma = 0.5
in the workspace. I was not able to figure out how to do it. My solution always just overwrites the other vector but does not save the entries in the workspace. I hope, someone can help me out.
$\begingroup$ I dont get why you just dont define alpha = 1/3 beta=0.01 gamma= 0.5 separately and then if you need it in a vector form just do that with w = [alpha beta gamma]. Wouldnt this do what you want? $\endgroup$– 1muflon1 ♦Commented Nov 24, 2020 at 11:59
2$\begingroup$ The simplest approach would be to write a function that assigns the parameter set to the structures variables. Hence, para.alpha=v(1);para.beta=v(2), and para.gamma=v(3). $\endgroup$– Holger I. MeinhardtCommented Nov 24, 2020 at 12:13
$\begingroup$ @1muflon1 I am writing a function which uses the vector as input. In order to vary the entries, I was trying to create something like this. $\endgroup$– Hokkaido21Commented Nov 24, 2020 at 16:01
$\begingroup$ @HolgerI.Meinhardt thanks a lot. That solves my problem! $\endgroup$– Hokkaido21Commented Nov 24, 2020 at 16:01
$\begingroup$ @HolgerI.Meinhardt consider posting it as an answer $\endgroup$– 1muflon1 ♦Commented Nov 24, 2020 at 16:07
1 Answer
Here is my approach to assign a set of parameters to a macroeconcomic model:
function para=assign_parameters(v)
if length(v)==3
error('parameter input has not correct format of length 3!');
The advantage is that the parameter set can be changed on the fly. That is, one can assign to the same underlying macroeconomic model a different set of numerical parameters without observing any conflict among the analyzed models. This would allow a quick comparison of model outcomes and ensure a clear as well as consistent model environment.
For instance, the example from the post can be assigned by
and if one wants to study a second model like
v2=[2/3 1/100 1/2]
one should assign this set of parameters to a different structure name like
Then both sets remain separated and the first parameter set will not be overwritten by the second.