Find the conditional input demand function and cost function for the given production function $$f(a,b,c,d)=\min\{ a,2b\} + \max\{3c,4d\} $$
In The solution, The production function is defined as $f(x,y)=x+y$ which is perfect substitutes.
Therefore, when $P_x >P_y$, $x=q$ and $y=0$. And when $P_x < P_y$, $y=q$ and $y=q$.
So far, everything is okay. The point that I don’t understand is how to define $P_x$ and $P_y$. In the answer, these are defined as follows
$P_x= P_a+(P_b/2)$ and $P_y= P_c/3 $ if $P_d/P_c >4/3$ and $P_y= P_d/4 $ if $P_d/P_c <4/3$
Why does he sum of the prices of goods a and b to find the $P_x$? But while finding $P_y$, he separates it under a condition? What is the difference ? In short, how to define Px and Py? My question is this.