I am working on a problem 14.2.5 from EMEA by Sydsaeter, Hammond and Strom.
Consider the consumer demand problem: $$ \max_{x,y} U(x,y) = \alpha \ln(x-a) + \beta \ln(y-b) \text{ s.t. } px+qy=m \tag{*} $$ where $\alpha, \beta, a, b, p, q$ and $m$ are positive constants with $\alpha + \beta =1 $, and moreover, with $m>ap+bq$. Show that if $x^*, y^*$ solve problem (*), then expenditure on the two goods is given by the two linear functions: $$ px^*= \alpha m+ pa -\alpha(pa+qb), qy^* = \beta m+ qb - \beta (pa + qb)$$
My attempt:
I set up Lagrangian:
$$ L= \alpha \ln(x-a) + \beta \ln(y-b) - \lambda (px+qy-m) $$
and get FOCs:
$$ \frac{\alpha}{x-1} = p \lambda$$
$$ \frac{\beta}{y-1} = q \lambda$$
$$ px+qy = m$$
I tried to solve the system above and then my plan was to multiply $x^*,y^*$ with $p$ and $q$ but that gives me different consumption function. Book has a hint that I should solve for $px$ and $qy$:
$$px = pa + \frac{\alpha}{\lambda}$$
$$qy = qb + \frac{\beta}{\lambda}$$
Then the book hints I should use budget constraint to eliminate lambda so I plug it there:|
$$ pa + \frac{\alpha}{\lambda} + qb + \frac{\beta}{\lambda} = m $$
$$ \lambda = \frac{\alpha + \beta}{m- pa - qb} $$
When I plug the solution for lambda back to equation for $px$ I just get:
$$ px^* = pa + \frac{\alpha m - \alpha pa - \alpha bq}{\alpha +\beta} $$
And this is again not the consumption expenditure function the textbook says I should get. I don't get why I can't end with the same consumption expenditure as the book. Does anyone know how to solve this?