Consider lagrange function for ramsey problem:
$L=E_0 \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \beta^t \{u(c,l)+\gamma_t (s^t)[E_0 \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} \beta^j u_c (s^{t+j}) z(s^{t+j}) -u_c (s^t) b_t(s^{t+1})] \}$
where $[E_0 \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} \beta^j u_c (s^{t+j}) z(s^{t+j}) -u_c (s^t) b_t(s^{t+1})]$ means "net surplus - net debt" of government.
In sargent's book(Recursive macroeconomics) it says
if government is borrowing(bond issue) then lagrange multiplier $\gamma_t (s^t)$ is positive
and if government accumulates asset then lagrange multiplier $\gamma_t (s^t)$ is negative.
I don't know how to determine that sign.
What is the meaning of lagrange multiplier in this problem?