Because it is widely perceived that generally science has a reproducibility and replication problems recently some replication journals were set up such as ReScienceX (see Roesch & Rougier, 2020).
Is there any example of such initiative within the field of economics? If not is there any journal that at least committed to publish more or give more space to replication studies? Mueller-Langer et al (2019) show that only 0.1% of studies published in top 50 economic journals between 1974 and 2014 could be classified as replication studies.
Nonetheless, 2014 is almost decade ago, one would hope that some economic journals would take some explicit commitments in this area, are there any examples of that?
When it comes to pure replication journals I am interested in any examples, when it comes to some specific policies or commitments to more replication I am only interested in Q1 or Q2 journals.