This is a self study question. I am novice at this and have only basic knowledge of solving such problems.
\begin{align} Y &= AK^\alpha H^\beta \\ \dot{K} &= s_KY - \delta K \\ \dot{H} &= s_HY^\psi - \delta H \\ \end{align}
Given, $\alpha + \beta <1$ (DRS) and $\psi \in (0,1]$. Also $A(t) = A(0)e^{gt}$
Objective is to find Balanced Growth path (BGP).
Now I read that from Uzawa's theorem, growth rates of all will be equal in BGP. But the theorem is applicable for only CRS. Since Uzawa is not applicable I am unable to design a good effective capital per labor variable to put $\dot{k}=0$.
By using that growth rates are constant I could only reach till:
\begin{align} (s_k Y/K)/(s_HY^\psi/H) &= constant \\ Y^{1-\psi}H/K &= constant \\ \implies (1-\psi)g_Y + g_H - g_K &= 0 \end{align}
Second equation comes from production function: $g_Y = g + \alpha g_K + \beta g_H$.
Still leaves me with two equations and three variables. Not sure how to go ahead or if this is useful at all.
EDIT: A small clarification: BGP is defined in question as the state when all factors grow at constant rate.
Now based on comments, the second and third equation can be used to get: $g_Y = g_K$ and $g_H = \psi g_Y$. Using these two I can quickly get the BGP path. Now the doubt is whether this approach is right in general? Because I have directly assumed here that BGP exists, i.e., a stable steady path exists. Is this correct??