I am reading some lecture note on stochastic macro model. Say an endowment economy with agent $i=1,2$, who receive the random endowment each period $e_{t}^{i}\left(s^{t}\right)$ where $s^{t}=\left(s_{0}, s_{1}, \ldots s_{t}\right)$ is the event history with probability $\pi_{t}\left(s^{t}\right)$.
Then a competitive Arrow-Debreu equilibrium is defined as prices prices $\left\{\hat{p}_{t}\left(s^{t}\right)\right\}_{t=0, s^{t} \in S^{t}}^{\infty}$ and allocations $\left(\left\{\hat{c}_{t}^{i}\left(s^{t}\right)\right\}_{t=0, s^{t} \in S^{t}}^{\infty}\right)_{i=1,2}$ such that
- 1 Given $\left\{\hat{p}_{t}\left(s^{t}\right)\right\}_{t=0, s^{t} \in S^{t}}^{\infty}$, for $i=1,2,\left\{\hat{c}_{t}^{i}\left(s^{t}\right)\right\}_{t=0, s^{t} \in S^{t}}^{\infty}$ solves $\begin{aligned} \max _{\left\{c_{t}^{i}\left(s^{t}\right)\right\}_{t=0, s^{t} \in S^{t}}^{\infty}} \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \sum_{s^{t} \in S^{t}} \beta^{t} \pi_{t}\left(s^{t}\right) U\left(c_{t}^{i}\left(s^{t}\right)\right) \text{s.t.}\\ \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \sum_{s^{t} \in S^{t}} \hat{p}_{t}\left(s^{t}\right) c_{t}^{i}\left(s^{t}\right) \leq & \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \sum_{s^{t} \in S^{t}} \hat{p}_{t}\left(s^{t}\right) e_{t}^{i}\left(s^{t}\right) \\ c_{t}^{i}\left(s^{t}\right) \geq & 0 \text { for all } t, \text { all } s^{t} \in S^{t} \end{aligned}$
- 2 $\hat{c}_{t}^{1}\left(s^{t}\right)+\hat{c}_{t}^{2}\left(s^{t}\right)=e_{t}^{1}\left(s^{t}\right)+e_{t}^{2}\left(s^{t}\right) \text { for all } t, \text { all } s^{t} \in S^{t}$
The utility maximization is intuitive, i.e. maximizing the expectation of consumption over all possibilities. But I don't understand the budget constraint, which is summed over the histories with no probabilities. It seems to me this is a budget constraints over all counterfactual worlds but in reality we only have one realization?