I am quite new to econometrics, hence, not very familiar with interpreting regression outputs. To me, the resources I've found online are quite confusing and cannot give me some practical guidance in interpreting the following regression output similar to one that I have found in a paper:
Background: The analysis should analyse the impact of experiencing a certain common incident on the opinion of people for pro-unification. Survey took place in different regions (10 regions). The incidents can occur in solely 3 different types: A, B and C. We assume that there is no other type of incident. So the general form of the regression is: $opinion=\alpha + \beta*incident + \epsilon$. Please note that I left out the subscripts for simplicity reasons. As you can see from the regression output table, the equation given is for the basic model(1).
Let's try to interpret the regression outputs: (1) People who experiencing any kind of event are compared with people who experience no event at all. The coefficient for taking part in any of the 3 incidents is 0.01. The effect is not significant (0.05). (2) Model(1) + individual control variables. Still not significant. (3) Model (2) + seasonal control variables. Still not significant. (8) The opinions of the people who experience type A events are compared towards people who take part in any other type of event or none. The effect is not significant (0.18).
Questions: (4)(5)(6)How to interpret the two coefficients of each of the models? What do we compare here? (7) How to interpret the 3 coefficients of this model? What is the main comparison?
- R-squared is very low. Does is mean, that our model does not fit at all? I have read that for observational data, a low R-squared is very common and can be accepted?
- The survey were taken from 10 different regions. Hence we adjust for country fixed effects by clustering by country. For this regression output, robust standard errors were used. Do you think that for robust SE 10 regions are too less? I have read somewhere that for robust SE, one should have as many clusters as possible?
- Do these successive models make sense in the order they are right now? Is there a model that would make more sense?
Your help and ideas are very appreciated. Thanks. Also if you have good sources where I can find some practical guidance for such interpretations of regression outputs, please share.