Assume an infinite horizon representative agent economy with the following consumer preferences $u(c_t)$
The production technology of this economy uses capital and land, which is fixed amount in aggregate $\bar{L}$.
$$Y_t=F(K_t, L_t)= K_t^aL_t$$
where, $L_t$ is the land input and production function has the usual properties. The household owns the land and capital in this economy. Capital stock is rented to firms for production with a rate of return $r_t$. The land, at each period, can be lent out to firms at the competitive markets to be used in production with the rate of return $m_t$. The land is tradeable, that is there exist a competitive market for land among households, at market price $q_t$. The market for land opens after production happens, such that an household decides the amount of land ownership for period $t + 1$, $l_{t+1} $ at the end of period t.
Note that land does not depreciate and is not consumable, capital however depreciates at rate $\delta$
The question asks for defining Recursive competitive equilibrium.
I start with defining variables
$a$ is individual asset $K$ is aggregate asset
The choice ( control) variables are ($a’,c$).
The individual states are ($a,l$)
The aggregate state is ($K$).
Next, I want to write the Bellman’s equation for this economy
$$V(a, l, K)= max \{ u(c) + \beta V(a’, l’, K’)$$
Subject to $$a’+m.l’=q.l +r.a +(1-\delta)a-c$$ $$K’=G(K)$$
And prices are determined competitively as follows:
$$q=F_L(K,L) $$ and $$r=F_K(K,L) $$
My question is that the budget constraint for this economy is true or it has some mistakes?
I'd appreciate any hints for setting up these problems.
Last edit
I think that the budget constraint which I constructed is
Please only help me to write budget constraint