Is this possible? I've been trying so many times, without success, yet if I plot a two good CES on Wolfram, this seems true... I can't find a single numerical example where this does not hold, but I can't prove it either differentiating...
EDIT: The question is, can someone prove that the CES is increasing in the elasticity of substitution?
EDIT: I simply want to show whether the function $U(x_1,x_2;\sigma)$ increases as the parameter $\sigma$ does, which seems to be the case.
$U(\bullet)$ is a standard two good CES.
$$U(x_1,x_2;\sigma) = \left[\alpha x_1^{\frac{\sigma -1}{\sigma}} +(1-\alpha)x_2^{\frac{\sigma -1}{\sigma}} \right]^{\frac{\sigma}{\sigma -1}} $$