I know there are two proofs of the existence of Nash equilibrium: One by using Kakutani's fixed point theorem in Nash (1950), and the other by using Brouwer's fixed point theorem in Nash (1951).
I saw a third proof but lack of details. Could anyone help me fill in the details and understand the proof? I really appreciate it!
The background information is the following:
Let G denote a game with n players. Let $S = \prod_n S_n$ where $S_n$ is player n's finite pure strategy set. Let $G_n: S \to \mathbb R$ denote the payoff function. Let $\Sigma_n$ be player n's set of mixed strategies:
$$\Sigma_{n} = \{ \sigma_{n} \in \mathbb{R}^{S_{n}}_{+} \vert \sum_{s_n \in S_n} \sigma_{n,s_n} = 1 \}$$
Let $\Sigma = \prod_n \Sigma_n$. Then $G_n(\sigma) = \sum_{s \in S} G_n(s)\sigma_{1,s_1} \dots \sigma_{n,s_n}$.
$\forall n$, $\Sigma_{-n} = \prod_{m \neq n} \Sigma_m$. Then, $G_n(\sigma) = \sum_{s_n \in S_n} G_n(s_n, \sigma_{-n})\sigma_{n,s_n}$
Definition: $\sigma^{\ast}$ is a Nash equilibrium of G if $\forall n$, $\tau_n \in \Sigma_n$, $G_n(\sigma^{\ast}) \ge G_n(\tau_n, \sigma_{-n})$
Lemma: $\sigma^{\ast}$ is a Nash equilibrium if and only if $\forall n, s_n, G_n(\sigma^{\ast}) \ge G_n(s_n, \sigma_{-n})$
Now we have the existence theorem:
$\mathbf {Theorem: \ G \ has \ a \ Nash \ equilibrium.}$
The third $\mathbf {proof}$ goes like this:
$\forall n$, let $$h_n: \Sigma_n \to \mathbb R$$ be a strictly concave continuous function. $\forall \epsilon \gt 0$, define $$G^{\epsilon}_n:\Sigma \to \mathbb R$$ by $G^{\epsilon}_n(\sigma) = G_n(\sigma)+\epsilon h_n(\sigma_n)$ Then the best response function $${BR}^{\epsilon}_n(\sigma) = \underset{\tau_n \in \Sigma_n}{ArgMax} \ G^{\epsilon}_n(\sigma_{-n}, \tau_n)$$.
Also, $${BR}^{\epsilon} = {BR}^{\epsilon}_1 \times \dots \times {BR}^{\epsilon}_n$$ Apply Brouwer's fixed point theorem to get a fixed point $\sigma^{\epsilon}$ of ${BR}^{\epsilon}$.
Now, take a convergent sequence {$\sigma^{\epsilon}$} such that $$\sigma^{\epsilon} \underset{\epsilon \to 0}{\to} \sigma$$ Then $\sigma$ is a Nash equilibrium of G.
Basically, I cannot see why Brouwer's fixed point theorem can be applied in that step. Also, in the last step, I cannot understand why is $\sigma$ is a Nash equilibrium of G.