Given the simplest form of a Lucas model, i.e., a Bellman equation given by \begin{align} J(x_t) & = \max_{c_t, x_{t+1}} \{ u(c_t) + \beta E_{\pi} [ J(x_{t+1})] \} \\ & \textrm{ s.t. } p_{t}x_{t+1} = (p_t + d_t)x_t - c_t, \nonumber \end{align} with a FOC given by \begin{align} u'(c_t)p_t = \beta E_{\pi} [u'(c_{t+1}) (p_{t+1}+d_{t+1})], \end{align} is there any way to calculate the value function $J(x_t)$ explicitly(i.e. without numerical solution algorithms)?
More generally, when is it possible to calculate the value function from a Bellman set-up explicitly, and what are the standard approaches to do this?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Just to explain the above variables:
$c_t$ : consumption, $x_t$ : risky asset holdings, $d_t$ : dividends, $\pi$ : probability law for $d_{t+1}$, $u(\cdot)$ : standard utility function