I am self-studying game theory using Myerson's Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict. I got some trouble understanding his Bayesian conditional-probability system. The Bayesian conditional-probability system in his textbook is based on his 1986 paper, Multistage Games with Communication, and so my question will be based on his paper. Specifically, I cannot understand part of his proof of Theorem 1. I will first provide some background information, and then I will describe my question.
Background Information
Here is how Myerson (1986) define the Bayesian conditional probability system:
A conditional probability system is any function $\mu$ that specifies a nonnegative number $\mu(X|Z)$ for every $X$ and $Z$ such that $X \subseteq \Omega$ and $\emptyset \neq Z \subseteq \Omega$, and that satisfies the following three properties, for every $X$, $Y$, and $Z$ such that $X \subseteq \Omega$, $Y \subseteq \Omega$, and $\emptyset \neq Z \subseteq \Omega$: \begin{align} & \text{if}\quad X \cap Y = \emptyset \quad \text{then}\quad \mu(X \cup Y|Z) = \mu(X|Z) + \mu(Y|Z);\tag1\\ & \mu(\Omega|Z) = \mu(Z|Z) = 1;\tag2\\ & \text{if}\quad X \subseteq Y \subseteq Z \quad \text{then}\quad \mu(X|Z) = \mu(X|Y)\mu(Y|Z).\tag3 \end{align}
We let $\Delta^*(\Omega)$ denote the set of all conditional probability system on $\Omega$. Given any probability distribution $\eta$ in $\Delta(\Omega)$, we say that a conditional probability system $\mu$ in $\Delta^*(\Omega)$ is an extension of $\eta$ if and only if \begin{align*} \mu(X|\Omega) = \eta(X),\quad \forall X \subseteq \Omega. \end{align*}
One way to construct a conditional probability system on $\Omega$ is to start with a probability distribution that assigns positive probability to every point in $\Omega$. If $\mu(Z) > 0$ for every nonempty set $Z$, then the conditional probabilities that are defined by equation (1) do satisfy (2)--(4), as is straightforward to check. In fact, every conditional probability system on $\Omega$ can be characterized as the limit of conditional probability systems that are constructed in this way.
Here comes Theorem 1 and its proof:
Theorem 1$\space\space\space\space$ $\mu$ is a conditional probability system on $\Omega$ if and only if there exists a sequence of probability distributions $\{\eta^j \}_{j = 1}^{\infty}$ such that \begin{align*} & \eta^j(\{\omega \}) > 0,\quad \forall j,\quad \forall \omega \in \Omega;\quad \textit{and}\\ & \mu(X|Z) = \lim_{j \to \infty} \frac{\eta^j(X \cap Z)}{\eta^j(Z)},\quad \forall X, \quad \forall Z \neq \emptyset. \end{align*}
Proof$\space\space\space\space$ Suppose first that there exists a sequence of probability distributions $\{\eta^j \}_{j = 1}^{\infty}$ such that $\eta^j(\{\omega \}) > 0$ for every $j$ and $\omega$ in $\Omega$, and \begin{align*} \mu(X|Z) = \lim_{j \to \infty} \frac{\eta^j(X \cap Z)}{\eta^j(Z)},\quad \forall X,\quad \forall Z \neq \emptyset. \end{align*} Then (1)--(3) can be checked as follows. If $X \cap Y = \emptyset$, then \begin{align*} \mu(X \cup Y|Z) & = \lim_{j \to \infty} \frac{\eta^j((X \cup Y) \cap Z)}{\eta^j(Z)}\\ & = \lim_{j \to \infty} \frac{n^j((X \cap Z) \cup (Y \cap Z))}{\eta^j(Z)}\\ & = \lim_{j \to \infty} \frac{n^j(X \cap Z)}{\eta^j(Z)} + \lim_{j \to \infty} \frac{n^j(Y \cap Z)}{n^j(Z)}\\ & = \mu(X|Z) + \mu(Y|Z). \end{align*} Moreover, \begin{align*} 1 & = \lim_{j \to \infty} \frac{\eta^j(Z)}{\eta^j(Z)} = \mu(Z|Z)\\ & = \lim_{j \to \infty} \frac{\eta^j(\Omega \cap Z)}{\eta^j(Z)} = \mu(\Omega|Z). \end{align*} If $X \subseteq Y \subseteq Z$ and $Y \neq \emptyset$, then \begin{align*} \mu(X|Z) & = \lim_{j \to \infty} \frac{\eta^j(X \cap Z)}{\eta^j(Z)}\\ & = \lim_{j \to \infty} \frac{\eta^j(X)}{\eta^j(Z)}\\ & = \lim_{j \to \infty} \left(\frac{\eta^j(X)}{\eta^j(Y)} \cdot \frac{\eta^j(Y)}{\eta^j(Z)} \right)\\ & = \left(\lim_{j \to \infty} \frac{\eta^j(X \cap Y)}{\eta^j(Y)} \right) \cdot \left(\lim_{j \to \infty} \frac{\eta^j(Y \cap Z)}{\eta^j(Z)} \right)\\ & = \mu(X|Y) \mu(Y|Z). \end{align*} Thus, $\mu$ is a conditional probability system.
Conversely, suppose now that $\mu$ is a conditional probability system. We construct $\{\eta^j\}_{j = 1}^{\infty}$ as follows. Let $W_0 = \Omega$ and then inductively define $W_h$ for $h \geq 1$ by \begin{align*} W_h = \left\{\omega \in W_{h-1}|\mu(\{\omega\}|W_{h-1}) = 0 \right\}. \end{align*} Since these sets are strictly decreasing in size and $\Omega$ is finite, there exists some $H$ such that $W_H \neq \emptyset$ and $W_{H+1} = \emptyset$. For any $X \subseteq \Omega$, let \begin{align*} \eta^j(X) = \left(\frac{j - 1}{j - (\frac{1}{j})^H} \right) \sum_{h=0}^{H} \mu(X|W_h) \left(\frac{1}{j} \right)^h. \end{align*} Each $\eta^j$ is a probability distribution on $\Omega$, giving positive probability to every point. Given any sets $X$ and $Z$ such that $Z \neq \emptyset$, let $g$ be the highest number such that $Z \neq \emptyset$, let $g$ be the highest number such that $Z \subseteq W_g$. Then $\mu(Z|W_g) > 0$ and $\mu(Z|W_h) = 0$ for every $h < g$. Thus, using (3), \begin{align*} \mu(X|Z) & = \mu(X \cap Z|Z) = \frac{\mu(X \cap Z|W_g)}{\mu(Z|W_g)}\\ & = \lim_{j \to \infty} \frac{\sum_{h=g}^{H} \mu(X \cap Z|W_h) \left(\frac{1}{j} \right)^h}{\sum_{h=g}^{H} \mu(Z|W_h) \left(\frac{1}{j} \right)^h} = \lim_{j \to \infty}\frac{\eta^j(X \cap Z)}{\eta^j(Z)}.\\ \end{align*}
My Question
I have difficulties understanding his construction of $\{\eta^j\}_{j=1}^{\infty}$. Myerson (1986) defines $\eta^j(X) = \left(\frac{j - 1}{j - (\frac{1}{j})^H} \right) \sum_{h=0}^{H} \mu(X|W_h) \left(\frac{1}{j} \right)^h$, and then asserts that "Each $\eta^j$ is a probability distribution on $\Omega$, giving positive probability to every point." So here is a couple of my questions regarding this construction:
(1) I cannot see how this complex equation is been come up with.
(2) When $j = 1$, isn't $\eta^j(X)$ not defined, because the denominator is zero?
(3) How to check that the $\eta^j$ such defined is indeed a probability distribution on $\Omega$? (It does seem to me that, other than the case of $j = 1$, $\eta^j$ gives positive probability to every point.)
(4) Moreover, I am confused about "$\mu(Z|W_g) > 0$ and $\mu(Z|W_h) = 0$ for every $h < g$". If $h < g$, then $W_g \subseteq W_h$. Then, if $\mu(Z|W_g) > 0$, why would $\mu(Z|W_h) = 0$?
(5) Finally, when he is doing the limit as $j$ goes to $\infty$, did he apply the L'Hôpital's rule to get the final result?
Could someone please help me with these questions? I really appreciate it!