I am looking for an example of a single output-single input production function such that involves sunk costs. I have in my mind that a drug - firm that is motivated to make a new drug, the drug has some sunk costs due to the research and development that must be suffered from the firm for every new drug patent, but I do not know how to write this down mathematically speaking. If we assume that the input is $y_1$ and it is just labour and the output is $q$, the production function is denoted as $f(y)$ and the production set is written as follows
$$\mathcal{Y}=\{(-y, q)|\text{ such that $q\leq f(y)$ and $y\geq 0$}\}$$
What we know about a production function that involves sunk costs is that the presence of sunk costs violates non-increasing returns to scale, namely $\forall y\in \mathcal{Y}$ and $\forall a\in [0,1]$, $ay\notin \mathcal{Y}$ but convexity is staisfied, namely $\forall y, y^{'}\in \mathcal{Y}$ and $\forall a\in [0,1]$,then $ay+(1-a)y^{'}\in\mathcal{Y}$.
So how do I model such a single-output single input production function?
Would a Cobb-dougals where the sum of the exponents $\alpha+\beta\leq 1$ satisfy such a production function?