I presume that by "fair gamble" $G$ we mean a gamble whose expected value is zero, $E(G) = 0$.
Risk-aversion can be expressed mathematically by showing that the utility function is strictly concave, which by Jensen's Inequality imples
$$U[E(G)] > E[U(G)]$$
Given the utility function in our case this means that we have to show
$$U(0) > E[U(G)] \implies 0 > E[U(G)].$$
So we need a way to show that, for the given utility function, the expected utility from any "fair gamble" will be negative.
Intuitively, we should expect that since we see that negative outcomes weigh more heavily than positive ones (due to the $2.5$ mutliplicative factor of what happens to utility when the outcome is negative).
How to show?
Define the fair Gamble providing a set of $m$ payoffs $\{x^G_1,..., x^G_m\}$ and a probability distribution over them $P_G = \{p_1,...p_m\}$. To be a fair gamble it must be the case that
$$E(G) = \sum_{i=1}^n p_ix^G_i = 0.$$
Write the utility function using the indicator function
$$U(x) = [1-I\{x< 0\}]\cdot x + 2.5 \cdot I\{x< 0\})]\cdot x = x + 1.5\cdot I\{x< 0\})]\cdot x $$
$$E[U(G)] = \sum_{i=1}^m p_iu(x^G_i) = ...$$
I guess you can take it from here.