I'm studying Chapter 15 of Acemoglu's growth book, which is about skill-biased technological change.
The unique final good is produced in perfect competition by combining the output of the two intermediate sectors, $Y_L$ and $Y_H$, according to the following technological constraint:
\begin{equation} Y(t) = \left[\gamma_L Y_L(t)^{\frac{\epsilon - 1}{\epsilon}} + \gamma_H Y_H(t)^{\frac{\epsilon - 1}{\epsilon}}\right]^{\frac{\epsilon}{\epsilon - 1}} \end{equation}
where $\epsilon \in [0, \infty)$ is the elasticity of substitution between the two intermediates.
Then, the book says that the price of the final good is normalized to one at each $t$, which is equivalent to setting the ideal price index of the two intermediates equal to one, that is,
\begin{equation} \left[\gamma_L^{\epsilon} p_L(t)^{1 - \epsilon} + \gamma_H p_H(t)^{1 - \epsilon}\right]^{\frac{1}{1 - \epsilon}} =1 \end{equation}
Can you show me how to derive the last expression, please?