I recently came across this Computational Social Choice lecture note from Stanford, where an axiom for social choice functions called “Reinforcement” is introduced as a desirable axiom. I am trying to make sense of this axiom, but I can’t.
Let $N$ be a finite voter set, let $A$ be a finite alternative set, let $\mathcal{P}$ be the set of all linear order profiles on $A$, and let $f:\mathcal{P}\to 2^A$ be a social choice function.
A social choice function $f$ is reinforcing if for any two profiles $P,P’\in\mathcal{P}$ such that $f(P)\cap f(P’)\neq\emptyset$, $f(P+P’)\subseteq f(P)\cap f(P’)$.
I don’t understand the axiom because I can’t quite figure out the meaning of adding two preference profiles (i.e., $P+P’$).