
I am reading Krishna's Auction Theory. I am currently stuck on Appendix A where he writes, enter image description here

Now I understand equation A2,

what I don't follow is that for a hazard rate defined as below: enter image description here

he writes enter image description here

I have tried for a long time but unable to get this.


1 Answer 1


Here $F$ is the CDF of non-negative random variable $X$ with support $[0,\omega]$, and $f$ denotes its PDF. \begin{eqnarray*}\mathbb{E}\left(\frac{1}{\lambda(X)}\right) & = & \int_0^\omega\left(\frac{1-F(x)}{f(x)}\right)f(x) dx \\ & = & \int_0^\omega (1-F(x))dx \\ & = & \int_0^\omega \int_x^\omega f(t) dt dx \\ & = & \int_0^\omega\int_0^tf(t) dxdt \\ &=& \int_0^\omega f(t)\int_0^t dx dt \\ &=& \int_0^\omega f(t)t dt \\ & = & \mathbb{E}(X)\end{eqnarray*}


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