Please excuse me if this is off-topic, and don't be offended if it is stupid.
Scholars theorize that the stakes matter for rational decision making or cost-benefit calculations (under uncertainty or risk).
But I haven't found a reference clearly explaining how the concept of stakes is understood, and how it enters the terms of the calculus, B and C (are stakes considered a B or a C?). I have come across the concept as if it is known and not needed to be interpreted in formal terms (perhaps this is because there is no reason to do so - something I am not aware of or have yet to understand). These are some of the examples I am thinking about but haven't seen discussed or explained clearly in literature but would appreciate clarification of:
- do stakes affect—increase or decrease—B, C, or both e.g. B-C? Are there strong reasons to think about it in one of these ways?
- if one’s anticipated gain is another’s loss: how is it translated into B and C? Both agents have something at stake. But are the terms so encompassing that one’s gain is possible B while another’s loss is possible C?
- An agent might lose what’s at stake irrespective of the initial calculus. So after the fact one might have lost and another might have benefitted. Before the fact, which is the time of decision making or the reason for action, the stakes may be thought of as benefits.
- is it up to the individual agent to judge what the stakes are? Perhaps because one cares more deeply than the other. How are the terms affected? Is caring deeply the same as perceiving high stakes and thus 0<B-C?
- is the interpretation of stakes in formal terms mere semantics or does it have theoretical interpretations i.e. for debates about rational choice, expected utility, prospect theory (loss'/gain's domains), decision making under risk (known outcomes and probabilities of outcomes) vs. uncertainty (unknown probabilities of outcomes), game theory, etc.?
Can you either please clearly explain or refer me to a reference that does that? (or refer me to a better forum or Q&A site for this). My immediate view tends to be that stakes are encompassed as benefits rather than costs. But there may be reasons you can help me understand to not view it like that or to say that an alternative view is equivalent or preferable. Thank you.