I'm solving this question, where I'm supposed to find all the BNE for the following game. There are two players, 1 and 2, where 1 has type a and b, and 2 has just one type (so no private information). The probability that the type of player 1 will be a is 2/3. Then the payoff matrix is as follows (the left one is for type a, right one is for type b).
My thoughts: I have first attempted to solve the pure strategies, which I think is (UU, R). I'm stuck on solving the mixed strategies part. I have found out that for both matrices, player 2 has a strictly dominating strategy (respectively L and R). But I cannot find a way to use this information since player 2 would not know the type of player 1. I've looked at other posts about solving mixed BNEs, but can't quite apply them here. Is there a way to find the mixed strategies?